You like her. She likes you. You get along great — It seems like you are made for each other.


However, she says she’s not ready for a relationship. She doesn’t want to become “official” with you yet.


watch “When a Girl Says She’s Not Ready For a Relationship” on Youtube

It’s always confusing when a woman tells you she’s not ready for a relationship.
It drives you crazy. Are you doing something wrong? Is there another guy in the picture?

Well you need to get this situation handled… because you’re at the critical point of the “relationship.”

If you don’t know how to proceed, your prospects of having a relationship with her will crash and burn. However, if you go about it the right way, you will have the mindsets and do the behaviors that take the relationship to the next level.

In this article, I give you the exact steps and specific directions to going from a “fling” to an official boyfriend-girlfriend relationship.

In particular, let’s go over a question from a student who is experiencing this situation.

PAY CLOSE ATTENTION: If you’re going through this as well, you’ll want to listen to the advice I give him.


she's not ready for a relationship


Juanton was doing a good job. He spent time with the girl. He even got the make out!

However, he wanted to get serious too quickly. Instead of enjoying the moment spending time with the girl, he pushed for a relationship too fast.

If you ever do this, you will find the woman’s attraction for you fade before your eyes.

See, many men want ASSURANCE that they “HAVE” the girl. So they try to lock her down into a relationship so that they are her official boyfriend.

This comes from being insecure. You start behaving this way when you fear losing her to another guy, or because you think you’re just not good enough. So you get a strong urge to cage her into a relationship.

But when you do this, the girl loses attraction FAST.

“Men and Women Think Differently”

Instead, you want to adhere to the following plan:

– Don’t bring up the relationship vibe. No talking about “feelings”… no bringing up the future of you two… only focus on hanging out, having fun, and hooking up.

– After spending several weeks of hanging out, having fun, and hooking up, the woman’s attraction level for you will slowly rise until she falls in love with you and wants to take things further. This means she will bring up “the talk.”

She’ll say things like “let’s talk about us…” “what are we?”… “when are we going to be a couple?”.

At the point, you can decide for yourself. Do you want to make her your girlfriend? Or do you want to keep her as a “friend with benefits”?

You decide.

The bottom line is: Don’t focus on the “relationship” and let the woman bring up becoming official.

From now on, refer to this guide for when a girl says she’s not ready for a relationship.